Saturday, April 26, 2008


silverpoint heightened with gouache on bluish gray prepared paper
9 x 6

Another little silverpoint drawing. So the question is does the world really need another picture of a woman looking out a window? I thought one more probably wouldn't hurt.


malcolm Arnold said...

I am very glad you decided we needed another one . Great draftmanship AS USUAL .This work has certainly capturedthe moment really well . Earlymorning ? and she has just risen ,looks out to greet the new day . Well that's what I se in it anyway .Others may have different ideas - that's fine

Dave B said...

Now the question becomes is there still room for another one or two? I've already got one done, but I'm having trouble getting a decent picture of it. Thanks for looking in and taking the time to comment. And that's pretty much what I wanted you to see. Thanks for that too.